Talking about the change is easy. Facilitating conversations that increase readiness for change is very demanding. Wisely striking the right balances to increase chances of successful implementation is a real challenge. This just changed for the better.

REAL TIME CHANGE® offers a new conceptual foundation and practical approach based on several years of research and ground work – A real NEW LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method (the first one in two decades).

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REAL TIME CHANGE® will answer key questions:


  • How ready are you and your team for new change initiatives?
  • How resilient to change is your ecosystem, today and tomorrow?
  • Are we focusing on the right things – are we striking the right balances?
  • What future trends are shaping intended changes?
  • What needs to be different? What needs to be preserved?
  • What can make or break the change initiative?

Why should you choose the NEW LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® – Real Time Change®

You will gain a lot of new insights, theory, research and tools by taking this training. You will also be trained thoroughly in two new cool concepts – giving you a competitive advantage and new offerings to your clients.

LSP 2.0 - Why choose this training model

The inventors

Chief Executive trainer Micael Buckle, CEO of Inthrface, and Professor Johan S. Roos, co-inventor and co-author of the original LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method, have developed Real Time Change®. Inthrface exclusively offers training and certification in Real Time Change® to facilitators qualified in the in the original LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method.

Real Time Change - MB Drucker
Real Time Change - Johan -Drucker 19

What do our participants say?

Enjoy some of the activities from the first ever
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® – Real Time Change® Certification.

“A sophisticated framework (which I expected, knowing the LSP method), but what I like about this framework even more is the flexibility and adaptability. It is less of a process than other methodologies to facilitate change.”

– Willi Studer, Organizational Development Consultant & Executive Coach, Switzerland

Our certification schedule

When you sign up for one of our trainings in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method, you will reserve your spot on our training. We will contact you to verify your details and confirm your participation. We can’t wait to show you all the value that the NEW LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® – REAL TIME CHANGE® can bring.

Real Time Change - LEGO Serious Play calendar

Do you have any questions about LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® – REAL TIME CHANGE®?

– feel free to contact us anytime!
