The plane is built while flying

Strategy and action are often difficult to align. You are constantly faced with major demands to be dynamic and flexible. The requirements for success yesterday are not the same today. Strategies must be constantly re-evaluated, adjusted and adapted to new realities alongside the continuing daily operations. It’s hard work. Unfortunately, but also understandably, we often see organizations work hard to develop the right strategy, just to end up losing their breath along the way. This can be during the pre-analysis, in the development process or during the implementation phase. After this they are unable to find the necessary time and motivation to start it up again.

The ultimate strategy process from A-Z

We think of strategy work as processes that are constantly progressing at all levels and involve everyone within the organization. In that way, the organization will be constantly prepared to work with strategy and pick up, coordinate, and execute. With us, you get a guided tour through the entire strategic journey from start to finish – including the detours in between. Our different processes are:

Model – A-Z
We work with all kinds of strategies and at all levels, as strategic development and execution often include many sub-areas, trends and stakeholders. Everyone involved must feel a sense of ownership and execute the strategy at varying paces and with different levels of pressure and influence.

Inthrface - Puslespil

Organizational competencies

Strategies for unleashing organizational capabilities and transforming these into specific activities, for example innovation, change or customer orientation.


Functional capabilities

Strategies focusing on the operational model, e.g. sales, product development, market expansion, partnerships, process optimization, optimal infrastructure, etc.


All levels

Strategy development for groups, divisions, functions or projects within or across the private and public sector and within or across countries and nationalities.

Is the strategy work neglected in your organization too?

Even if you are in control of your strategy, it is often difficult to make it come alive throughout the organization. Surveys show that up to 95% of employees do not know their organization’s strategy which makes it rather difficult to make things happen. From our 150+ completed strategy processes, we often meet these three questions:

Our strategy is complex – how do we communicate it in a concise manner without simplifying it?
How do we make the strategy operationally strong?

How do we get the employees to execute on the strategy on a daily basis?

Make it happen

From wasted effort to strategic power performance

If you develop your strategy with us, the implementation and anchoring of the strategy will be part of the process from the start. Through follow-up processes or meetings, you will experience theoretically based models transformed into practical activities.

Experienced strategy

Benefit from our great experience and large toolbox of traditional and creative methods that in a unique way transform words into actions.

Strong action

Engage in processes that result in concrete decisions and actions – we follow up on your activities to ensure the have the right effect, just as we also revisit the activities that did not work.

Abilities to execute

Your participants gain important insights into their personal contributions and competencies, so they actually accomplish something after the development process and learn what it takes to perform well on a daily basis.

Happy jumping

The collaboration with Inthrface has given us a new ambitious and well-developed strategy, which has been developed together with our closest partners in the company. At the same time, we have established a stronger and more cohesive management team which is well equipped to make a significant contribution to LEO Pharma’s future development. In the process, we have benefited from Inthrface’s strong and proven concepts, and I can highly recommend Inthrface to anyone who wants to lift their strategic work and overall management efforts to new heights.

Thomas Kongstad Petersen

Vice President of Global Clinical Operations, LEO PHARMA

6 elements crucial to other organizations

We design initiatives customized for your organization once we have discovered what your needs are. Would you also like your strategy to include :


A strongly anchored “why.”

Goals and contributions transformed into motivation.

Team spirit from common understanding.


New insights through creative methods.

Clear principles for implementation.

Focus on the core business.

Reach out and get our opinion on the tools and processes necessary to deal with your specific challenges
