Facilitator Training in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method, LEGOLAND® Resort, California, USA


Join the only facilitator training in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method that is endorsed by one of the founding fathers of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

”The comprehensive course material and innovative pedagogy used in Inthrface’s facilitator training align with, and positively extend the original LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® concept.”

  • Professor Johan S. Roos
    Co-author of the Serious Play concept, co-inventor of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, co-developer of the original LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® manuals, and co-founder of Imagination Lab Foundation.

What’s included?:

  • High quality and hands-on training in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method.
  • Manual and experiences in facilitating the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method.
  • All inclusive stay at LEGOLAND® Resort, California, USA.
  • Access to LEGOLAND®
  • Online “after training” support for preparing the facilitator’s first workshop.
  • Membership of our international online network of facilitators in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method called Brickmind.

After your training in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology you can:

  • Develop, change and strengthen your organization and the teamwork within your company.
  • Optimize processes and performance within the organization.
  • Develop and implement dynamic strategies the company.

Target group:

Everyone with a management-, facilitator-, process- or consultant role.

The output of the training:

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method is all about challenging and processing tasks and challenges “real time.” It is a research-based method that draws on extensive research from the following areas: Business Development, Organizational Development and Learning.

The purpose of the training is to give the participant the essential knowledge, confidence, experience and commitment necessary to prepare, design and facilitate workshops using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method – with maximum involvement and effect.

The training will prepare you to go home and use the method, as well as develop targeted workshops using the method.


It will be four very diversified days focusing on theory, hands-on experience, tailored learning, group work, and reflection.

The facilitator training programme is composed of the following sub-elements:

  1. History, theory and research in relation to the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method.
  2. Skills Building: Learning all the basic elements in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method: Construction, metaphors, story making and fantasy/imagination.
  3. Real Time Strategy (RTS): You will get skills on how to use LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method regarding strategy- and business development.
  4. Real Time Identity (RTI): You will get skills on how to use LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method regarding individual, team and organizational development.
  5. How to make tailormade workshops using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method.
  6. Introduction to the Trademark Guidelines concerning LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method.


Marc Sonnaert from Inthrface
Marc is an associated trainer of Inthrface. He was certified in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology at Hotel LEGOLAND® in Billund in 2015, an he has worked extensively with the method ever since.

Marc has, furthermore, worked closely with Micael Buckle, CEO of Inthrface, more than two years – training new facilitators.


The training will be facilitated in English.

Read more here!

Information & contact

For more information about the training please contact us via email:
Cecilie Reinholt Petersen: crp@inthrface.com


All inclusive – training and accommodation at Hotel LEGOLAND®:
DKK 24.875,-

(approx. GBP 2880 / EUR 3370 USD 3685)

(Ex. VAT).



Ticket Type Price Spaces
4-days complete certification DKK 24.875,00

Registration Information

Please include country code in phone number, ie. +45 30605040.

Booking Summary

x 4-days complete certification
DKK 24.875,00
Total Price
DKK 24.875,00

Payment and Confirmation


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LEGOLAND® California Resort, USA
1 Legoland Drive
Carlsbad, 92008 CA
United States

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