Resource and efficiency course
A focus on efficiency in companies is often perceived in a negative way and associated with thoughts of cutbacks and efficiency measures. But it doesn’t need to be that way.
We turn this idea on its head and focus on creating the attractive and efficient workplace, where high cohesiveness increases productivity and well-being while combating stress and absences due to illness.
Our resource and efficiency course is designed to create balance between the organization and its tasks, expectations, services, and quality. We outline complex processes, structure efficient work flows, and develop user-friendly and helpful tools for handling your challenges. The course ends with development of both individual and group action plans to ensure that the good results will be maintained.
What our clients have to say
“In a very short time, IntHRface succeeded in imparting to managers and employees an understanding of the necessity of everyone in the organization being responsible for the attractive workplace. IntHRface delivers a well-thought-out course with high-involvement, efficient processes. IntHRface understands in a challenging, but empathetic, way how to meet the participants where they are, thus creating motivation and ownership for the processes. The results of their effort have been convincing, and absences due to illness have been reduced by about 30%”
Carsten Frank
HR Manager, Copenhagen Social Services