We have many years of experience with developing employee teams at all levels, and we handle all kinds of challenges. Based on our experience and well-tried methods, we design a unique development course that fits your employee group and the challenges they need to work through.

We work actively with the team, enabling them to identify their common strengths and potential, as well as to recognize their common challenges. Afterwards, we develop a group plan for future development, based on  clear and effective decisions about roles, relationships, and team processes.

What our clients have to say

“IntHRface cut no corners. They take pride in thorough preparations, detailed plans for deliveries and rigorous follow-up. You don’t partner up with IntHRface to get consultants that scratch your back. They take a no-nonsense approach, challenge you and poke your weak spots – but also recognizes and builds on your strengths. IntHRface has played a key role in improving the performance of several teams in AstraZeneca Nordic and in implementing the AstraZeneca Leadership Capability framework. They come with my highest recommendation.”

Rasmus Toft-Nielsen
HR Director, AstraZeneca